Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Mewy Christmas everyone!

Sally and I wanted to extend our happiest, purriest Mewy Christmas to all of you!
I am now over my cold, it wasn't nice, but I let the Female Lesser Species hold me and pamper me a bit - that was ok!
Sally is now playing with me again. She is such a KittyDiva. Like a cold would kill her. I survived.
Santa Paws brought us a wonderful sock filled with the Feel Good Grass. Sally and I took turns rolling in it. I love Feel Good Grass.
The Female Lesser Species said our sock will help homeless kitties around here. I don't know how, but anything to help those poor babies. (She also said it will help homeless Slobbery Hounds Things, and in the spirit of Mewy Christmas, I guess that's ok.) I guess we all need to be thankful that we have a warm place to sleep and Lesser Species to cater to our every whim.
Have a very Mewy Christmas and I hope Santa Paws brought you everything on your list! (If not, go ahead and hack up a hair ball on the Lesser Species clothing - it doesn't matter if you are naughty or nice at this point!!!!)


The Furry Kids said...

Merry Christmas to you!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Merry Merry Christmas to you both as well~!!

Thank you for your blessing, I feel so heartwarming now:)
Wish you have a wonderful holiday season :)

Anonymous said...

We hope you come out to play more often! You are furry purrty.