Friday, August 8, 2008

What's the big deal?

Ok, that Boy is here and Dizzy seems to be in seventh heaven. I, on the other hand, have lost my spot downstairs.
So, now I'm spending time upstairs where the Slobbery Hound Things chase me, and the Lesser Species just doesn't understand that I do NOT want to be picked up, but they must pet me when I ask. And then I even grace the Female Lesser Species with my presence, jumping up to let her pet me, and she had the gall to tell me to get down! I guess this thing on tv has her full attention. I would think *I* would be given full attention, but no, we have to let the Female Lesser Species watch all these strange people walk around some track. She says this only happens once every four years, and not to bother her at all during the two weeks it's going on.
I don't know what the big deal is, there aren't any cats involved, so it can't be that interesting. I mean, the Female Lesser Species COULD keep her eyes on the big picture shower and just use her hand to smooth my beautiful fur.


Monty Q. Kat said...

Slobbery things? Are they like little beans? They kinda drool too.

Victor Tabbycat said...

Hi Dizzy an Sally! Sounds bizzy round yur howse. I's Victor ::spin:: an I's glad to meet you. I has a boy, too, an I luv him but mine Mom's my favoritest bean. No droolers here. Purrs

Anonymous said...

Just thought I'd drop by to say hello!


Jans Funny Farm said...

How rude! You should have their full attention at all times when they are in your presence.

Karen said...

Humans just don't understand that the Ctas are the most important things

Fat Eric said...

Hi Dizzy and Sally! Nice to meet you!

I don't have any slobbery things or boys at my house. I am a Spoilt Only Kitty with two human servants attending to my every need. Come and visit me!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hi Dizzy and Sally...we don't gots a boy bean just a nefew boy bean...huh? Yoo should let da cat blogosphere know when yoo do a post, dat way we will know to come visit.

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh,I think you need to give out a good whapping to that female!!! She should realize her purpose is to please you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you know Sammy Meezer (The Meezers), he is the king of whapping ;) heeheehee
Purrs Mickey

Parker said...

Hi Dizzy and Sally!
I'm Parker and it's nice to meetcha'!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Hi Dizzy and Sally,
We jus got our two beans an mine five brofurs an sisfurs here.
Nice to meet yous...

momsbusy said...

we comes by to bisit you. we sawed the linky fer yur blog on the cat blogosphere. yu gots a bizzy house!! ars house gets bizzy sumtimes too whens the things mommees calls grankids come to bisit. they makes lots of noise.

yuki, kimiko, & kintaro

Samantha & Mom said...

Hi Dizzy and Sally! We don't have droolers, but we do have a grandbabybean coming to visit next week. She's 5! Does that count?
Your FL furiends,

The Cat Realm said...

There is NO TV watching going on in the house here - but we STILL don't get full attention all the time - so don't feel bad!
A gentle bite or a scratch with the claws combined with the "pathetic" look sometimes seem to work wonders...
Mrs. OZ

Chrissie said...

Hello, Dizzy and Sally! I wonder if your Drooly and Slobbery things are woofies or Sticky Kids? I have Sticky Kids, and when they were little, they were drooly and slobbery, but now they are just sticky.

Tiger Lily said...

Hi Dizzy and Sally! It is very nice to meet you!! I have 2 sisters named Jemima and Ruckus and I have 2 slobbery hound things named Zeke and Sushi (but I call them my woofies). When I can get Mom to help me I will add you to my Friends list.

On Thursday I posted about a neighbor of my Grandma and Grandpa who is in the Olympics so we have to watch that show for him.

Tiger Lily

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

What bad lesser species. Have you figured out a way to get even?

Motor Home Cats said...

You are right, she can watch TV and pet you at the same time. We deserve all the loving we can get.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Our Mom is paying attention to all that jumping and splashing in water, too.
We don't have any slobbery things. Just us cats...well, two goats live here, but they can't come in the house with us.

It's nice to meet you!
~ The Bunch

Kellykat said...

Definately should have been paying you more attention. Who cares about that tv thing!
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar