Tuesday, July 29, 2008

He's Here!

Well, the Boy made it home yesterday! I got lovins and skritches and pettins! The Male Lesser Species was gone for a few days and came home with the Boy! Sally isn't too excited, but she's not a lovey like me!
I was so happy, I even let the Gold Slobbery Hound Thing sniff my tail area!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Coming Home to Stay!

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!!! The Boy is coming home to STAY!!! I guess it didn't work out where he is now, and he called the Male Lesser Species and asked to come home!!!! I was outside the big sleeping room after they Lesser Species had closed the door in my face - and I heard the Ringy Box make noise and then the Male Lesser Species was talking. Next thing I know, the Lesser Species are coming out and talking about how the Boy wants to come home!!!! They also talked about him finding a job and some other junk - but all I cared about was the Boy is coming back to me!!!!!!
The Male Lesser Species is going this weekend (whatever a weekend is) and getting the Boy! It's just about all the Lesser Species talks about! They seem excited, but I know I'm THRILLED!!!
Well, gotta go and get some grooming done! I want my black coat sleek and shiny when I greet the Boy at the front door!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My turn!

Well, It's about time I got my turn on the computer!

The Female Lesser Species took the Flashy box and cornered me on the couch right after a nap! I guess I wasn't too upset, as I look pretty good in this photo!

Dizzy wants to go to the Boy, but I know the Lesser Species won't let her, as she gets sick 2 seconds after traveling! I keep telling her she's got it good here - two Slobbery Hound Things to pester, food at all times in the Magic Bowl, and our own Litter Box! We don't have to go outside for anything, and we have soft spots to snooze! And usually the Lesser Species gets it when I insist on skritches, as long as they don't try to pick me up!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The BOY!!!

Well, the Boy came for a visit! It was wonderful! He gave me lovings and skritches and held me! I thought this time he'd take me away from these Lesser Species, but it was not to be...
So, when I found out that the Lesser Species were sending a box to the Boy, I decided I had to go!
I'm not sure if there is enough room in the box, but I'm working on it! If I could only get the Lesser Species to get rid of this Harry Pot book thing at the bottom of this box!