Sunday, May 17, 2009

We're back!

Well, it's been a rough couple of months. I've been doing fine, but poor Sally has been very, very ill. She would just lay around, not even play at all. And then she wouldn't use the litter box. I was appalled, but she wouldn't talk to me. And then she got some huge open sores on her back legs. The Lesser Species took her to the Pokey place, and she came back and they forced little white circles down her throat! At first she was so sick, she didn't even fight them!

Just the past couple of days, she's actually come out and sat on the Lesser Species' laps, and even has accepted some skritches. And I'm not totally sure, but I think she might even be using the box again! And when the Slobbery Hound Things get around her now, she actually has the energy to growl and tell them off.

Hopefully, she'll feel well enough to blog in the next day or two!!


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И тут я поняла насколько я зависима от сети. Нет, вроде бы целыми днями перед монитором не провожу, однако признаюсь, день начинаю и заканчиваю и менно компьютером. Хотя, если с другой стороны посмотреть, будет больше живого общения, и больше времени на реальные развлечения, на саморазвитие и т.п. Хотя опять же с другой стороны, с некоторыми друзьями связаться можно только через инет (кто живет в других городах и странах, телеон - дорого знаете ли), ну и дополн.инфо можно получить быстро, чем сидеть в библиотеках...
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