Friday, August 10, 2007

Dizzy's Diatribe

You would think that if the Female Lesser Species would get a NEW laptop, she would let us use the old one! But... NOOOOO... she gives it to the Male Lesser Species.
And then the Female Lesser Species tells us that she's too busy doing some digiscrapping updating (whatever that is - proof they are a Lesser Species) - for us to even quickly get on and do our blogging. And the Male Lesser Species is doing some kind of formatting the hard drive on the old one... who cares?
Are we not The Girls? Do we not deserve blogging time? When did these Lesser Species think they can rule us?
At least the Boy Lesser Species came home for a short time last week. I got lots of kisses and skritches and loving.
Ok, almost too much. It got to be a bit overdone, and I had to run downstairs for a while. But, it was nice to see him home from the college place, even if it was only for a few hours. At least he was willing to protect me from the Slobbery Hound Things!

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